Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought — Albert Einstein
Academic Projects
Technology Assessment - Dartmouth College & CleanPlanet Chemical
The project assigned to my team was in collaboration with CleanPlanet Chemical, a company that manufactures industrial-grade solvent recycling machines. These machines not only help the environment by recycling solvents that otherwise would be disposed of, they also help the customers save money on buying new chemicals by providing longer use to chemicals they already have. My team was given a task of researching and recommending a new Programmable Logic Controller to replace the current microcontroller used in the solvent cleaning machines. Click on “Learn More” to see the final report provided to Dartmouth and CleanPlanet Chemical.
This project course is grounded in technology-focused areas and provides an opportunity for teams of students to conduct a thorough analysis of prevalent and emerging technologies in fields of critical interest such as health, energy, the environment, and other complex systems and then to recommend and justify actions for its further development.
Extracted from Dartmouth Engineering Website
ASCM Regional Case Competition
The ASCM Case Competition enables undergraduate and graduate students to learn more about supply chain and hone their strategic and tactical skills. Teams explore forward-thinking topics, enhance and test their supply chain knowledge, and discover career opportunities in the field. They work on end-to-end supply chain challenges drawn from real-world experiences, then present their solutions at the ASCM annual conference, where they receive feedback from practitioners in Deloitte’s supply chain practice and ASCM staff members. Click on “Learn More” to take a look at the Excel File containing all the calculations for this project.
Extracted from ASCM Website
Logistics and Warehouse Design / 2019
Collaborated with 2 other stakeholders within the Lean Logistics Course to optimize the design and location of a new hypothetical warehouse.
Personal Projects
Gaming PC Build / January 2023
This idea began when my laptop would not be able to hold heavy loads of work (or gaming). I started my research on pre-built gaming PCs, after finding out it was more cost effective to build my own, I decided to learn how build my own by watching video tutorials, reading the part manuals and spec sheets and making sure all the parts were compatible before purchasing.
Boat Engine Restoration
This project began with the dream of wanting to go boating to lakes near San Antonio where I was currently living. My friend and roommate at the time decided to spend as little money on a boat as possible. The boat had an engine that wouldn’t start. We took multiple steps (and weekends) until we were finally able to get the engine running. Once the engine started for the first time, it wouldn’t run for long until it would turn off which led to a series of assumptions and troubleshooting that lasted months (we would only work during the weekends since we were both working full time jobs at the time).
Mechanical Keyboard Customization & MacroPad Assembly
I was inspired to start this project while working at Atma Energy. AutoCAD requires commands to be entered for example: “CO” to copy and item. Since I was spending most of my day using AutoCAD I decide to start researching ways to make my work more simple.
Website Creation / January 2024
The idea of this project was to create something different and more personal than a resume or a cover letter that could help viewers know more about myself apart from the academic and professional environment. The process of this started with researching which website creation platform was best suited for this task. Then, it was followed by around 1 hour of learning how to use the platform until I was able to start making relevant progress in less time.